Friday, April 23, 2010

Need an increment??

Receive an email with the title "I need an increment". The above figure is actually the content of the email. It is simple yet it is so true.

A simple question. If you do not have a family to support and you are earning RM3000 monthly, how much can you save per month? RM1500? RM500? or RM0? That is the reason I always encourage people to save partially and invest partially. You have to always prepare for such situation mentioned above from being happened.

Someone might ask if you do not have enough to spend, why bother to buy insurance? If the family doesn't buy insurance, they will have extra RM600 to spend. Well, no doubt about it. However, if we think from another perspective, you'll know why we should buy insurance. For example, if the breadwinner of the family (the father) meet with an accident and admitted into hospital for 3 months. If he does not own an insurance and the company he is working with required him to take unpaid leave, how does the family going to survive? Borrow from relatives and friends, request donation from the public or even the government? Well, I think you have the answer right?

Besides that, the inflation rate DOES NOT grow proportionally with the rate of your salary increment. When the price of petrol increases, does your salary increase? When the price of sugar, does your salary increase? If you are expecting your boss to increase your salary when the prices of other things increase, there are only 3 possibilities.
1. You are the boss.
2. You meet with a very very very good boss.
3. You are dreaming. Please wake up :)

This is the reason why you need to do financial planning. You need to allocate money for your expenses, savings and investment.

Developing good financial planning will help you to reach financial freedom easily and earlier than others.

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