The saddest thing for a hospital is the sickness is cured before the money is finished.
The saddest thing for a patient is the money is finished before the sickness is cured.
I read this in the today’s newspaper and I find it very interesting. In the world today, if you find out you diagnose the illness early, it seems like there is no incurable disease. Yet, you have to have the amount of money to cure the illness.
If you have the money, there is no incurable illness. If you do not have the money, then you have to wait for your luck to see if there is any donation or kind soul willing to help you.
This seems like very cruel but it is a fact. The medical fee is terrifying. Thus, how you can overcome it? One of the solutions is to have the medical card. Although no doubt the medical card cannot solve your problem, but it can help you to solve your problem partially. If you have any better solution, why not share with us? J
Allianz medical card is one of the medical cards which the life time limit is 10 times of its annual limit. Besides that, it does not have sharing if the card holder stays below the room and board. If you wish to know more about Allianz medical card, please contact me ya. Thanks. J