The second element of financial planning is Risk Management. In other countries, risk management is seen as an important element for everyone and have received good response from the people. However, this is quite different in Malaysia. Another term that is best described risk management is insurance. When Malaysian heard about insurance, the first impression is that the insurance agent is cheating money. Well, no doubt some of the agents approach you because of your money. Once they receive your money, you never see them anymore unless there are some new products. But you must be clear that the problem lies on the insurance agents and not on the insurance. This post might be a little offensive because it deals with accident and death. This is real life and I do not mind you shouting 'Touch wood' while going through this post. =)
Why insurance is so important? Just imagine if one day, suddenly Mr. A diagnosed with cancer. He does not have much money for the medical cost. If he has relatives or friends who are willing to borrow him money, then the situation is not so bad. However, if he does not have any insurance and none of his relatives and friends willing to borrow money for his medical cost, then what should he do?If Mr. A buys insurance policy (36 critical illnesses policy) from any insurance company, then his situation will be better. The insurance company will pay him a sum of money when he is diagnosed with cancer. The amount vary depends on your what type of policy you are buying. This will definitely lessen his burden at the initial stage when he can go for his treatment with the money he has. Illness can be cured easily at the initial stage rather than later stage right?
Actually human are very weak. Our lives are in God's hands. We do not know what will happen to us next year or even next minute. Illness, accident or death can happen on anyone at anytime at anywhere. This sounds threatening but this is reality. Someone might ask what can insurance do for us except giving us money? No doubt money is not everything but at least it can free you temporarily from financial crisis, at least it can help to reduce the financial burden of your love one at the initial stage. You will not feel how insurance can help you by reading this post. Maybe you should try and approach those people who really receive money from the insurance company.
There are various types of insurance products offer by the insurance company. It actually depends on the person on which type of insurance product should he/she buys. The rule of thumb when you are getting insurance is to make sure it covers the losses you need to protect. For example, medical and health insurance. This type of insurance will cover all or most if not all of your medical expenses you spent in the hospital as long as the insurance company acknowledges the hospital. Therefore, you do not need worry when you are admitted into the hospital. Those who do not have medical and health insurance or do not realize the importance of medical and health insurance will always agree to this saying, 'A person can died of illness but must not get sick'. This is because the medical cost is really scary!
People will realize the importance of insurance when they really need the insurance. However, most of the time, people will only realize the importance of insurance when they cannot buy the insurance due to the term and conditions. Thus, buy an insurance that can cover the losses you need to protect and make sure you choose the correct insurance agent.